
Entry (1/3)1  antoka
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  fiantsoana ho tsaraina [Taimoro] [1.78]4  Fiantohana, izany hoe fanondroana zavatra ho solon' ny zavatra iray raha toa misy fahaverezany na fahasimbany itỳ faharoa: Tsara antoka ny famantaranandronao fa mandria ivohon' ny vato 5  Zavatra na vola izay tanana raha tsy voaloa ny vola nosamborina: Anto-bolan' olona io trano io ka tsy azonao vidina 6  Andraikitra: Antokao raha tsy vita ara-potoana itỳ trano itỳ 7  Adidy: Antoky ny ray aman-dreny ny fianaran-janany [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  pledge [1.2, 1.7]9  surety, surety-ship, responsibility. See adidy, andraikitra [1.2]10  a guarantee; insurance [1.7]
Explanations in French  11  assentiment donné en levant la tête, appel en baissant la tête [1.3]12  caution, garantie [1.8, 1.13]13  assurance [1.8]14  sécurité, gage, hypothèque, aval [1.13]
Examples  15  Azony antoka fa tsy hamitaka azy na oviana na oviana ny vadiny. [2.470]
16  Simple :
17  Active verbs :
18  Passive verbs :
19  Relative verbs :
20  Names :
Compound words 
Proverbs  23  Proverbs containing the word antoka
Article  24  Randzavola: antoka na tsatoka ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (2/3)25  antoka
Part of speech  26  noun
Explanations in English  27  a nod of assent. [1.2]
28  Simple :
29  Active verbs :
30  Relative verbs :

Entry (3/3)31  antoka
Part of speech  32  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  33  tsatokazo [Tambahoaka] [1.78]
Explanations in English  34  same as antoko, a trivet. See toko. [Provincial] [1.2]

Anagrams  35  antoka, kantao, katona, kotana, takona, tanako, tokana, tonaka, tonàka

Updated on 2024/08/15